Can I be replaced by AI?
This is the question I've been asking myself. And I've come up with two answers:
Yes and No.
Yes, I can be replaced by AI in the sense that graduate students who used to come to me for assistance in writing and editing their dissertations are now turning to AI to do that. How do I know? They tell me so.
What is interesting is that because I work hard to build trust with the students, they are very open in explaining how they use AI to generate content for some of their thesis chapters. They are convinced it will help with the writing, and give them a starting point for discussion. I doubt that their universities would agree.
And then I think about the students, and come up with that other answer: NO.
That's because I know that no robot in the world (YET!) is able to do what I do, because I go far beyond writing, proofreading and making sure the semicolons are in the right place.
I don't believe that a chatbot can empathize with the anxiety and fear that many students are experiencing. I know that a robot can't laugh and enjoy the moment when a chapter has been approved by the supervisors. I'm equally sure that AI can't have a strategic planning conversation in a face-to-face Zoom call when the supervisors don't approve!
But in spite of all my testimonials ( it's getting harder to find students who prefer to work with me than use AI.
I have to think hard about what to do about this situation.