PhD Coaching Blog — Style Guide

Thesis Formatting: When, How and Why

PhD Style Guide Thesis Thesis Format

Why should you be so picky about your thesis format? First, you have to meet your university’s standards for submission. Even more importantly, your examiners will take your clean, elegant, and beautifully presented manuscript as a sign that you are an organized and confident candidate, ready to successfully defend your work. And that’s a good thing.

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I sleep with the APA Manual under my pillow!

Style Guide Thesis Thesis Format

I sleep with the APA Manual under my pillow!

At least that’s what I tell PhD candidates.  Yes, I assure them, it’s slightly uncomfortable but if you want to use the American Psychological Association (APA)Style Guide, you have to spend a lot of time with the manual! And just in case you’re just starting your academic writing and are not sure what a Style Guide is used for, it’s to ensure consistency in citations, reference lists, formatting and layout.  So, if you want to know how long your dashes should be, a good Style Guide will help you with that. I’ve never quite understood why a manual developed by...

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