PhD Coaching Blog — Thesis Format
Always start with a model!
Conceptual Frameworks Doctorate Model PhD Theoretical Framework Thesis Thesis Format
Graduate Pathways to Success Model When you're planning to build something, like a doctoral thesis, it's a good idea to create a model that shows how all the pieces connect. I'm very proud of the model that I created for the Graduate Pathways to Success program at the University of British cancel, and I saw it was still in use when I visited for a special event this week: Also pleased to see that I'm still being given credit for my work with GPS: Of course that may change shortly, because the special event was the retirement...
Thesis Formatting: When, How and Why
PhD Style Guide Thesis Thesis Format
I sleep with the APA Manual under my pillow!
Style Guide Thesis Thesis Format
At least that’s what I tell PhD candidates. Yes, I assure them, it’s slightly uncomfortable but if you want to use the American Psychological Association (APA)Style Guide, you have to spend a lot of time with the manual! And just in case you’re just starting your academic writing and are not sure what a Style Guide is used for, it’s to ensure consistency in citations, reference lists, formatting and layout. So, if you want to know how long your dashes should be, a good Style Guide will help you with that. I’ve never quite understood why a manual developed by...