PhD Coaching Blog — Conceptual Frameworks

Always start with a model!

Conceptual Frameworks Doctorate Model PhD Theoretical Framework Thesis Thesis Format

Always start with a model!

  Graduate Pathways to Success Model When you're planning to build something, like a doctoral thesis, it's a good idea to create a model that shows how all the pieces connect.  I'm very proud of the model that I created for the Graduate Pathways to Success program at the University of British cancel, and I saw it was still in use when I visited for a special event this week: Also pleased to see that I'm still being given credit for my work with GPS: Of course that may change shortly, because the special event was the retirement...

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Last Week's Free Webinar on Conceptual vs. Theoretical Frameworks

Conceptual Frameworks Theoretical Framework Thesis

Conceptual frameworks and Theoretical frameworks get confused all the time. It’s not just students who get them mixed up -- supervisors seem to use these labels interchangeably too. Here’s my take on it, and I’m happy to discuss… First, a concept is just a $10 word for an idea.  Yes, I know that Philosophy majors and Linguists will be lining up to argue with me, but I’m speaking about how the word concept is used in a thesis.  I think of concepts as all those exciting ideas buzzing around in your head in the early stages of your studies. And...

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