Juggling Studies, Work and Home

Demands PhD Stress Thesis

On International Women's Day, I sent a message to all women PhD candidates who are pulled in so many ways as they manage their studies.  But it's not just women, of course.  Juggling studies, work and home is something that all grad students have to do.  

I know that the stresses and challenges of completing a PhD program are experienced by everyone who starts the journey.  I’d like to send a few words of encouragement to you too, with one or two suggestions for making it to the end.

First, some of the happiest students are just focused on their doctorate and are not working at all.  Of course, they're also the ones who are “financially challenged” unless they’ve been able to secure grant money.  But if you can, try to arrange your life so that you can take time to just be a student. 

However, if you have to support yourself and your family, it may not be possible to take time off work. But perhaps you can cut back from full time employment to part-time once you’re beyond coursework and are actually writing the thesis. 

Also seek the understanding of your family and friends early on in the process. Warn your mother you won’t be able to call her as often.  Tell your friends that you won’t be inviting them for dinner for at least 6 months and pledge to make up for it later.  Try to make a deal with your children and spouse–you’ll need their patience and good will.  Promise ice-cream at a future date.

It’s difficult to predict an end date. There’s no way to rush the deep thinking that’s required to earn this higher degree. The process always takes longer than you predict, so start planning as soon as you move on to candidature.

My aim is to help with anxiety, but if you’ve read this far, your anxiety may have increased! But acknowledging the stress and the completing demands for your attention is a major step. I hope reading blog posts like this makes you realize you're not alone, and encourages you talk to a counsellor or coach.  There is help!

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