PhD Coaching Blog — Writing

Can I be replaced by AI?

AI Coaching Dissertation Thesis Writing

Can I be replaced by AI? This is the question I've been asking myself. And I've come up with two answers: Yes and No. Yes, I can be replaced by AI in the sense that graduate students who used to come to me for assistance in writing and editing their dissertations are now turning to AI to do that.  How do I know?  They tell me so. What is interesting is that because I work hard to build trust with the students, they are very open in explaining how they use AI to generate content for some of their thesis...

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Coaching Dissertation Doctorate Mindset PhD Thesis Writing


  Few things  test endurance more than working on a doctoral thesis.  This is a “self-portrait” that one of my clients sent to me to share with anyone who’s in the same boat as she is. Do you recognize yourself? This client has been working on her research topic for a long time.  In fact, she’s written a book, and is a practitioner in her area of expertise as well. But it’s taking a long time to get the thesis written, and from time to time she gets weary, as you can tell. We often talk about the need to...

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Celebrating a “B” grade

Demands Good Enough Stress Writing

.I just heard from one of my most hard-working and successful PhD students that she got a “B” on her last course paper.  Wonderful! We were both very happy about that, and I want to explain why. First, she's a part-time student, and working full time at a job that requires a lot of travel, and she also has a family.  She had recently been promoted, and was also taking some skill-development courses. But then she applied for a C-Suite job for fun in another city—and got it! That meant she had to move. In the middle of this she...

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