My PhD candidates are graduating!!

Coaching Doctorate Graduation PhD

I was so delighted to get this card from the candidate who graduated a couple of weeks ago.  I want to show anyone who wonders if the end will ever come!

And I want to say how grateful I am to him too, for letting me share in his journey,  How lucky am I!!

One of the joys of my work is to get those emails that say the oral exam is over and all is well.

In my posting on LinkedIn, I tried to describe what that moment is like:

While I celebrate the success of another brilliant doctoral candidate, I always feel a little pang of regret, because I'll no longer be spending time hearing about the research, helping with the thesis, and offering encouragement in tough times. 

But I know there are others out there who are lost,  upset, anxious and confused. If you're one of those, you are my tribe. Get in touch!

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  • Michael Blaney on

    Great to hear that another of your candidates has successfully defended their thesis in the viva.
    I can attest that Dr Elizabeth is a rock that provides support, guidance and reassurance to her tribe!

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